I know it isn't sexy, but it's the Lord's work. (And if the Lords work is sexy, then god help you). For better or worse, over the years I have tried to motivate myself in the fog lasting o'er a fortnite post SXSW. Then, great skibbety, it alas is the day for Fools. Feeling twitterpated by the whims of the spring, I merrily prance and frolic in the meadows with the remainder of the SXSW business cards in my early March spring-jacket pocket (the ones I didn't accidentally drop in the toilet). You know, the same pocket that yields the $20 bill when you next wear it again in November? And so, to avoid the self image of being an unscrupulous, good-for-nothing one-hit wonder, and to instead maintain the paradigm that I have boundless energy for corporate bonding exercises, I hide my shame in the blackbox of analogue business cards. I tell myself…one day, I will declare a holiday called "business card jubilee" where I forgive myself my sins and renew the sacred covenants I made when I exchanged cardboard with a new stranger…